Dear Beloved.
To God be the glory for giving us another year to celebrate the 72
Convention of our dear church with the Theme: 'Heaven'.It is my
greatest pleasure to welcome you to this joyous occasion of
celebration, testimonies and lifting. This annual gathering is
always accompanied with joy of fulfilled dreams, answered prayer,
divers miracles and testimonies.
This year's convention will not be an exception, the cloud is
already loaded with blessings of revival and spiritual reawakening. What a joy it is to see this
sacred ground filled with the vibrant spirit of our church community and the presence of our dear
believers who have joined us for this divine gathering.
This year convention is more than a gathering; it is a clarion call to all of us to focus our heart to
Heaven, it is a celebration of our shared journey, a testament to the strength of our unity, and a
reaffirmation of our commitment to the principles that bind us together as one family in Christ,
with the ultimate goal of making it Heaven, as our vision and mission statement depicts.
To all our members and non-members who are here present for this glorious and memorable
convention, your steadfast presence is the bedrock on which our church stands. To our guests
and visitors, your arrival enriches our fellowship, and we extend a warm welcome to e
ach of you. May you feel the embrace of our church family and God's presence in Jesus name.
As we convene for this year convention, let us be mindful of the purpose that unites us together
(To make Heaven and to take as many people as possible with us…), the worship of our
Lord, the deepening of our faith, and the collective pursuit of living out the teachings of Christ in
our lives and the Heaven reawakening call.
In the spirit of inclusivity, let me emphasize that this convention is a space for everyone to
explore in place of prayer, whether you are a seasoned member or a first-time visitor, your voice,
your perspective, and your presence are valued and welcomed.
In conclusion, thank you for being part of this sacred gathering. May the love of Christ permeate
every session, every conversation, and every interaction during this convention. May our time
together be blessed, our spirits uplifted, and our faith strengthened
We pray for journeying mercies for all participants of the 72' Convention while we wish you
safe journey back to your destinations. All your desires and expectations during this Convention
shall come to manifestation and you will sing a new song and testimonies shall be your portion
before the next convention in Jesus name. Amen.
Thank you very much and God bless you,
Pastor (Mrs.) Folu Adeboye
Director, Directorate of
Teens / Children Education